Geriatric health care has become a pressing task, and the first confronting issue is dietary problem inseparable from life as the risks of various illnesses grow progressively with aging evidently. Three solutions, including 1) tailored healthy diet coaching system, 2) multi-purposes meal planning support system, and 3) central kitchen automatic dietary inspection system, have been introduced in this chapter. They were designed and developed to build an ICT-enabled food service ecosystem to cover the whole spectrum of dietary needs for care of elderly people and individuals with chronic illnesses. The outcomes of the pilot study of the tailored healthy diet coaching system showed that early nutrition intervention could be easily conducted by using the developed system. The multi-purposes meal planning support system not only saved manpower by providing the automatic planning to decrease complexity of the process; it also enhanced the efficiency of process by two-phase design to save the operation time. For the central kitchen automatic dietary inspection system, the experimental results showed the inspection accuracy had reached around 89%. Moreover, the efficiency had reached 1.2 second, and the quantity accuracy was as high as 90%. By saving inspection time, the proposed system has been concluded to increase the capacity of meal supply by over 50%. These outcomes indicated that this ICT-enabled food service ecosystem may assist the health slef-management of both senior citizens and people with chronic illnesses that required nutrition attention.