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This study aims to detect changes in vegetation and evaluate the geographic distribution of two different mangroves of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. Data were obtained through visual interpretation of high resolution satellite imagery (Astrium / QuickBird / DigitalGlobe / Landsat) available in Google EarthTM. The visual interpretation resulted in the demarcation of polygons representing vegetated area of mangroves. Data were compared to the images of global distribution of mangroves in 2011, provided by United Nations Environment Programme of Global Conservation Monitoring Centre using GIS. The mangrove forest present in Guaraíras lagoon complex had an increase in vegetated area over the last four years of 5.01 km (52.73%) while the mangrove forest located in Potengi estuary presented a 1.03km (6.06%) of forest gain in the same period. Anthropogenic activities such as shrimp farming, artificial construction, tourism and discharge of effluents are directly related with the conservation status of Brazilian mangroves. The mangrove ecosystem present in the metropolitan region of the Rio Grande do Norte (largest population area), showed a slow growth rate, while the mangrove located further away from urban centers, showed impressive growth of vegetated area.
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