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The use of connected health solutions in the diagnosis and the monitoring of mental health issues is a promising field. However, in order for the connected mental health solutions to be effective, accurate data about the patient’s mental and physical state is required. Sensors can therefore be very helpful instruments to provide patient’s data needed for a good diagnosis and monitoring. This paper conducts a literature survey to present the current research involving connected health solutions using sensors in the treatment of mental health. Seventeen papers are selected following a search protocol and analyzed to present the publication trend of research on sensors used for mental health and to identify their research types and contribution types. This study may assist researchers interested in the use of sensors for mental health care, as it can serve as a starting point presenting an overview of the addressed topics and the weak areas of the research. The study may also assist patients and clinicians interested in the field to have an overview of the proposed solutions and uses of sensors in mental health care.
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