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After taking note of the conceptual fact that robots may well carry humans inside them, and more specifically that modern AI-infused cars, jets, spaceships, etc. can be viewed as such robots, we present a case study in which inconsistent attitude measurements resulted in the tragic crash in Sweden of such a jet and the death of both pilots. After setting out desiderata for an automated defeasible inductive reasoner able to suitably prevent such tragedies, we formalize the scenario in a first-order defeasible reasoner—OSCAR—and find that it can quickly generate a partial solution to the dilemma the pilots couldn’t conquer. But we then note and address the shortcomings of OSCAR relative to the desiderata, and adumbrate a solution supplied by a more expressive reasoner based on an inductive defeasible multi-operator cognitive calculus (ℐ𝒟𝒞ℰ𝒞) that is inspired by a merely deductive (monotonic) precursor (𝒟𝒞ℰ𝒞). Our solution in this calculus exploits both the social and cultural aspects of of the jet/robot we suggest be engineered in the future. After describing our solution, some remarks about related prior work follow, we present and rebut two objections, and then wrap up with a brief conclusion.
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