The development of efficient audio coding schemes allowing an increasing information security and reduction of the storage requirement, is problem that has attracted the researchers interest over the last several years. To this end several schemes have been proposed, that allows an efficient compression and encryption of digital information. In most cases the information is firstly compressed before the encryption process. Because in several situations, to achieve a real time communication process, it is desirable to compress and encrypt the audio signal now when it is captured, it would be desirable to implement coding schemes able to encrypt and compress sensitive information simultaneously. A suitable approach to achieve this goal, is to use a compressing sensing-based systems which allows a simultaneous compression and encryption of the signal to be transmitted. This paper presents an audio encoding scheme using compressive sensing techniques which firstly segments the signal to be encoded signal in segments of M frames, each one with N samples. These are then transformed into a set of M sparse frames using the Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) and multiplied by a properly designed random matrix of size M × N. The resulting vectors are then concatenated to generate the compressed and encrypted matrix. It is then feed to a chaotic mixing scheme to further increase the security of proposed system. Evaluation results shows that the proposed system achieves and efficient and secure compression and encryption, while satisfying the extended Wyner secrecy criterion (EWS).