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Constrained Stochastic Shortest Path problems (CSSPs) are a modelling framework for probabilistic problems with a primary cost and constraints over secondary costs such as fuel consumption or monetary budget. While the optimal solution for a CSSP is usually a stochastic policy, practical considerations often demand deterministic solutions, for instance, in aviation and multi-agent systems. Previous works have addressed this issue for special cases of CSSPs; in this work, we show the technical issues in generalising these results and show how they can be addressed. Then, using these methods, we extend the state-of-the-art heuristic search method for finding optimal stochastic policies to efficiently find deterministic policies for CSSPs. We show experimentally that our algorithm competes with the state-of-the-art, and is able to solve the class of problems with difficult-to-satisfy constraints on which the state-of-the-art fails.
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