This study aimed to improve the organization and integration of heterogeneous medieval manuscript data across the Mosaico and Progetto Irneiro platforms. It addresses the challenges, such as the need for more standardization in data formats, metadata schemas, and inconsistent data quality, by developing a new ontology that supports the multifaceted analysis of medieval manuscripts. This analysis includes factors such as the historical context, physical characteristics, textual information, and artistic features.
The approach began with analyzing metadata on two platforms. The MeLOn methodology is used to develop the Medieval Manuscript Data Integration Ontology (MMDIO), extending the MeMO ontology with elements from other ontologies and creating new data classes and relationships. The ontology is visualized with Graffoo and modeled in Protégé. Data was extracted according to this schema, converted into RDF triples, and tested in GraphDB. LODE is used to publish the ontology. This process enhanced data integration for Mosaico and Irnerio.
The use of MMDIO substantially enhanced the organization, accessibility, and uniformity of metadata formats on both platforms. However, it can now handle complex queries and integrate multiple types of manuscript data to facilitate a more comprehensive and organized approach in medieval manuscript research.
The proposed MMDIO framework advances digital humanities research by increasing data semantic richness and interoperability, establishing the foundation for future research in cultural heritage preservation. Moreover, it demonstrates the value of adapted frameworks for handling complex data environments in particular research fields.