In this paper, we will analyze the following variable-order fourth-order equations
where 0<α(t)<1, ρ(t) is a continuous function. The solution of the problem (1.1) is periodic or compactly supported.
The variable-order Caputo-Fabrizio derivative is defined as [27]
Fractional calculus can better reflect the reality of nature. Many physical problems are regulated by fractional order differential equations (FDEs) and finding analytical solutions to these equations has been the subject of research by many researchers in recent years [5,16]. The main reason for which is that the theory of derivatives of fractions (non-integers) has aroused considerable interest in mathematics, physics, engineering and other scientific fields [14,21,31].
Designing an effective numerical method is meaningful for fractional order differential equations. Some numerical methods such as finite difference methods [4,24], orthogonal spline collocation method [28], finite element methods [18], finite volume methods [12], spectral methods [7,11], discontinuous Galerkin method [17,20], orthogonal spline collocation methods [28] and so on, have been attempted to approximate the exact solution.
Fourth-order problems as a significant part of FDEs are studied by some scholars. Combining appropriate spatial and temporal discretization, some methods have been developed to solve fourth-order FDEs, including compact difference methods [8,22,30], orthogonal spline collocation methods [23], the homotopy perturbation methods [3], Galerkin-Legendre spectral methods [2], non-polynomial quintic spline methods [9], finite element methods [13,15], LDG methods [6,17,25]. However, the report about numerical methods for variable-order fourth-order FDEs with Caputo-Fabrizio derivative is limited. We will study a LDG method for the problem (1.1) based on generalized numerical fluxes.
The rest of this paper is as follows. First in Section 2, some notations and necessary lemmas will be introduced. Then in Section 3, we propose a LDG scheme for solving the above problem (1.1), and discuss the stability and convergence of the method by mathematical induction. In Section 4, we shall give some numerical experiments which is made by using Matlab procedure to show the efficiency of our method. Finally in Section 5, the conclusion is given.
Let a=x12<x32<⋯<xN+12=b be a partition of the domain ˉΩ=[a,b], Ij=[xj−12,xj+12], for j=1,⋯N, and define hj=xj+12−xj−12,1≤j≤N, h=max1≤j≤Nhj.
We denote u+j+12=limt→0+u(xj+12+t) and u−j+12=limt→0+u(xj+12−t). Futhermore, the weighted average of a function v is defined by (v)(δ)j+12=δv−j+12+(1−δ)v+j+12, where δ is the given weight.
The local discontinuous Galerkin space Vkh is shown below
For a periodic function ϑ which is defined on the domain [a,b], the generalized Gauss-Radau projections [1,19], denoted by Pδ. Let ϑe=Pδϑ−ϑ be the projection error. For the case δ≠12, it has the following properties
The following conclusion can be obtained from [1].
Lemma 2.1. If δ≠12, ϑ∈Hs+1∈[a,b], then there holds
the constant C which is independent of h, is solely dependent on the function ϑ. τh is the union of element boundary points, and ‖ϑe‖τh can be defined by
Throughout this paper, the notation C represents a positive constant that may have a different value at each time. The usual notations in Sobolev space are used in the paper. Let the scalar inner product on L2(E) be denoted by (⋅,⋅)E, and the associated norm by ‖⋅‖E. If E=Ω, we drop E.
Fully discrete LDG method
Firstly, we rewrite Eq (1.1) as a system
Let tn=nMT, and τ=tn−tn−1. The temporal derivatives ut and ρ(t)CF0∂1−α(t)tu at tn are approximated as follows
where ck∈(tk−1,tk),
and Φn(x)=Φn1(x)+Φn2(x) is the truncation error. According to [27], we can know the following conclusion
here the constant C>0, depending on T and the function u.
Furthermore, by some calculations, we could find that bnk in Eq (3.2) has the following property
Then we could define the fully-discrete LDG method for the problem (1.1). Let unh,pnh,qnh,snh∈Vkh be the approximations of u(⋅,tn),p(⋅,tn),q(⋅,tn),s(⋅,tn), respectively, wn(x)=w(x,tn). Find unh,pnh,qnh,snh∈Vkh, such that for v,w,ρ,φ∈Vkh,
The hat terms in Eq (3.5) which are from integration by parts are numerical fluxes. In order to guarantee stability, we will choose the following generalized numerical fluxes [26]
where δ≠12. If δ=0 or 1, the flux Eq (3.6) will be purely alternating numerical fluxes [29].
In order to simplify the notations in the stability and convergence, we could denote
3.1. Stability analysis
Without loss of generality, the case w=0 is considered in the numerical analysis of the scheme (3.5).
Theorem 3.1. Assume that the solution of the problem (1.1) is compactly supported or periodic, then the LDG method (3.5) is stable and satisfies the following inequalities
Proof. In scheme (3.5), we first take the test functions v=unh,w=pnh,ρ=qnh,φ=−snh, we could have
In each cell Ij, we can obtain
Summing (3.10) from 1 to N over j, we can get
Combining Eqs (3.4), (3.11) and Cauchy-Schwarz inequality, the equality (3.9) will become
In what follows we will prove Theorem 3.1 by using mathematical induction. For the case n=1 in Eq (3.12), we can easily get
that is
Next assume that the following inequality holds
we need to prove
According to Eq (3.12), we could have the following inequality
Obviously, we can directly obtain
This finishes the proof of Theorem 3.1.
3.2. Error estimate
Theorem 3.2. Suppose that u(x,tn) is the exact solution of the problem (1.1), unh is the numerical solution of the fully discrete LDG scheme (3.5), then the following result holds
where C>0 is a constant depending on u,T.
Here ηnu, ηnp, ηnq and ηns have been estimated by the inequality (2.2). Next we will estimate ξnu, ξnp, ξnq and ξns. Based on the fluxes (3.6), we have
Based on Eq (3.17), and taking v=ξnu,w=ξnp,ρ=ξnq,φ=−ξns, the above error Eq (3.18) could be written as
Then, taking v=−ξnq, w=ξns, ρ=βξnu, φ=βξnp in Eq (3.18), we can get the following equation from the error Eq (3.18)
By applying Eqs (3.19), (3.20), stability results and ξ0u=0, we have the following equality
where β=(1τ+ρ(tn)bnn(1−α(tn))τ),
Next we begin to discuss the terms Ti,i=1,2,3,4.
Bsaed on the approximation property, Cauchy-Schwarz inequality, we have
With the help of
According to the properties (2.1), we can obtain
Noticing the fact that
Based on the above results, and Cauchy-Schwarz inequalities in Eq (3.21), we could have
that is
so we can obtain the following inequality
that is
Finally, by applying discrete Gronwall inequality and the triangle inequality, the proof Theorem 3.2 is completed.
Numerical experiment
Consider the problem (1.1)
Let ρ(t)=12, and the right term w(x,t) is taken such that the exact solution for the problem (1.1) is u(x,t)=etsin(x).
In the following numerical experiments, the following basis functions for x∈Ij are choosed
The convergence results are showed for both L∞ norm and L2 norm of the error. By varying the value of the parameter δ, the different α(t), and the polynomial approximations from P0 to P2. For uniform meshes, numerical errors and convergence rates with different δandα(t) are shown in Tables 1–3 for k=0,1 and 2, respectively. The convergent results in Tables 1 and 2 illustrate that the spatial convergence rate can attain O(hk+1) for piecewise Pk polynomials. Table 3 shows the temporal convergence rate is closed to O(Δt) by using our scheme, this is consistent with the theoretical results.
In this article, an accurate numerical method is presented to solve a class of variable-order (VO) fourth-order problem with Caputo-Fabrizio derivative. Based on finite difference method in time and LDG method in space, we obtain a fully discrete scheme. By taking the generalized alternating numerical fluxes, the unconditional stability and convergence are proved in detail. Some numerical experiments are shown which illustrates the effectiveness of our scheme.
This work is supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (11861068), the Natural Science Foundation of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region (2022D01E13), the Training Plan of Young Backbone Teachers in Colleges and Universities of Henan Province (2019GGJS094), Scientific and Technological Research Projects in Henan Province (212102210612), the Innovative Funds Plan of Henan University of Technology (2021ZKCJ11).
Conflicts of interest
The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest.