Multi-view representation learning for natural language processing applications
Papasarantopoulos2020.pdf (9.755Mb)
Papasarantopoulos, Nikolaos
The pervasion of machine learning in a vast number of applications has given rise to an increasing demand for the effective processing of complex, diverse and variable datasets.
One representative case of data diversity can be found in multi-view datasets, which contain input originating from more than one source or having multiple aspects or facets.
Examples include, but are not restricted to, multimodal datasets, where data may consist of audio, image and/or text.
The nature of multi-view datasets calls for special treatment in terms of representation.
A subsequent fundamental problem is that of combining information from potentially incoherent sources; a problem commonly referred to as view fusion.
Quite often, the heuristic solution of early fusion is applied to this problem: aggregating representations from different views using a simple function (concatenation, summation or mean pooling).
However, early fusion can cause overfitting in the case of small training samples and also, it may result in specific statistical properties of each view being lost in the learning process.
Representation learning, the set of ideas and algorithms devised to learn meaningful representations for machine learning problems, has recently grown to a vibrant research field, that encompasses multiple view setups.
A plethora of multi-view representation learning methods has been proposed in the literature, with a large portion of them being based on the idea of maximising the correlation between available views.
Commonly, such techniques are evaluated on synthetic datasets or strictly defined benchmark setups; a role that, within Natural Language Processing, is often assumed by the multimodal sentiment analysis problem.
This thesis argues that more complex downstream applications could benefit from such representations
and describes a multi-view contemplation of a range of tasks, from static, two-view, unimodal to dynamic, three-view, trimodal applications.setting out to explore the limits of the seeming applicability of multi-view representation learning
More specifically, we experiment with document summarisation, framing it as a multi-view problem where documents and summaries are considered two separate, textual views.
Moreover, we present a multi-view inference algorithm for the bimodal problem of image captioning.
Delving more into multimodal setups, we develop a set of multi-view models for applications pertaining to videos, including tagging and text generation tasks.
Finally, we introduce narration generation, a new text generation task from movie videos, that requires inference on the storyline level and temporal context-based reasoning.
The main argument of the thesis is that, due to their performance, multi-view representation learning tools warrant serious consideration by the researchers and practitioners of the Natural Language Processing community.
Exploring the limits of multi-view representations, we investigate their fitness for Natural Language Processing tasks and show that they are able to hold information required for complex problems, while being a good alternative to the early fusion paradigm.