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10.1145/1007352.1007438acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesstocConference Proceedingsconference-collections

A decentralized algorithm for spectral analysis

Published: 13 June 2004 Publication History


In many large network settings, such as computer networks, social networks, or hyperlinked text documents, much information can be obtained from the network's spectral properties. However, traditional centralized approaches for computing eigenvectors struggle with at least two obstacles: the data may be difficult to obtain (both due to technical reasons and because of privacy concerns), and the sheer size of the networks makes the computation expensive. A decentralized, distributed algorithm addresses both of these obstacles: it utilizes the computational power of all nodes in the network and their ability to communicate, thus speeding up the computation with the network size. And as each node knows its incident edges, the data collection problem is avoided as well.Our main result is a simple decentralized algorithm for computing the top k eigenvectors of a symmetric weighted adjacency matrix, and a proof that it converges essentially in OMIXlog2 n) rounds of communication and computation, where τMIX is the mixing time of a random walk on the network. An additional contribution of our work is a decentralized way of actually detecting convergence, and diagnosing the current error. Our protocol scales well, in that the amount of computation performed at any node in any one round, and the sizes of messages sent, depend polynomially on k, but not on the (typically much larger) number n of nodes.


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cover image ACM Conferences
STOC '04: Proceedings of the thirty-sixth annual ACM symposium on Theory of computing
June 2004
660 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 13 June 2004


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  1. Markov chain
  2. decentralized algorithm
  3. eigenvectors
  4. large networks
  5. spectral analysis


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