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View all- Hai-Jew S(2011)Self-Assessments in Contemporary Adult E-LearningEncyclopedia of Information Communication Technologies and Adult Education Integration10.4018/978-1-61692-906-0.ch033(557-577)Online publication date: 2011
Esfinge is a general domain Portuguese question answering system which has been participating at QA@CLEF since 2004. It uses the information available in the "official" document collections used in QA@CLEF (newspaper text and Wikipedia) and information ...
For context based surfing of World Wide Web in a systematic and automatic manner, a web crawler is required. The World Wide Web consists interlinked documents and resources that are easily crawled by general web crawler, known as surface web crawler. ...
In this paper, an approach for reorganizing Web sites based on user access patterns is proposed. The approach consists of three steps: preprocessing, page classification, and site reorganization. In preprocessing, pages on a Web site are processed to ...
Association for Computing Machinery
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