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The IOC algorithm: efficient many-class non-parametric classification for high-dimensional data

Published: 22 August 2004 Publication History


This paper is about a variant of k nearest neighbor classification on large many-class high dimensional datasets.K nearest neighbor remains a popular classification technique, especially in areas such as computer vision, drug activity prediction and astrophysics. Furthermore, many more modern classifiers, such as kernel-based Bayes classifiers or the prediction phase of SVMs, require computational regimes similar to k-NN. We believe that tractable k-NN algorithms therefore continue to be important.This paper relies on the insight that even with many classes, the task of finding the majority class among the k nearest neighbors of a query need not require us to explicitly find those k nearest neighbors. This insight was previously used in (Liu et al., 2003) in two algorithms called KNS2 and KNS3 which dealt with fast classification in the case of two classes. In this paper we show how a different approach, IOC (standing for the International Olympic Committee) can apply to the case of n classes where n > 2.IOC assumes a slightly different processing of the datapoints in the neighborhood of the query. This allows it to search a set of metric trees, one for each class. During the searches it is possible to quickly prune away classes that cannot possibly be the majority.We give experimental results on datasets of up to 5.8 x 105 records and 1.5 x 103 attributes, frequently showing an order of magnitude acceleration compared with each of (i) conventional linear scan, (ii) a well-known independent SR-tree implementation of conventional k-NN and (iii) a highly optimized conventional k-NN metric tree search.


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  1. The IOC algorithm: efficient many-class non-parametric classification for high-dimensional data



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    cover image ACM Conferences
    KDD '04: Proceedings of the tenth ACM SIGKDD international conference on Knowledge discovery and data mining
    August 2004
    874 pages
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    Association for Computing Machinery

    New York, NY, United States

    Publication History

    Published: 22 August 2004


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    1. classification
    2. high dimension
    3. k nearest neighbor
    4. metric tree


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