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On the performance of group key agreement protocols

Published:01 August 2004Publication History
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Group key agreement is a fundamental building block for secure peer group communication systems. Several group key management techniques were proposed in the last decade, all assuming the existence of an underlying group communication infrastructure to provide reliable and ordered message delivery as well as group membership information. Despite analysis, implementation, and deployment of some of these techniques, the actual costs associated with group key management have been poorly understood so far. This resulted in an undesirable tendency: on the one hand, adopting suboptimal security for reliable group communication, while, on the other hand, constructing excessively costly group key management protocols.This paper presents a thorough performance evaluation of five notable distributed key management techniques (for collaborative peer groups) integrated with a reliable group communication system. An in-depth comparison and analysis of the five techniques is presented based on experimental results obtained in actual local- and wide-area networks. The extensive performance measurement experiments conducted for all methods offer insights into their scalability and practicality. Furthermore, our analysis of the experimental results highlights several observations that are not obvious from the theoretical analysis.


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  1. On the performance of group key agreement protocols



                    Andrew Robert Huber

                    "In practice, the actual costs of group key management cannot be trivially extrapolated from the theoretical analysis." This is the most important statement in this thorough performance analysis. Five group key management protocols are described, analyzed, and compared: group Diffie-Hellman (GDH), centralized key distribution (CKD), tree-based GDH (TGDH), an imbalanced tree version of TGDH called skinny tree (STR), and Burmester and Desmedt (BD). A theoretical analysis compares the computation costs (exponentiations, signatures, and verifications) and communication costs (numbers and types of messages) of four operations: a single member joining or leaving the group, and multiple member merges and partitions. The actual times of these operations for the five algorithms were measured on a local area network (LAN) for group sizes of up to 50 members. Graphs show join and leave results for 512 and 1024 bit keys, and merge and partition results for 1024 bit keys. To show how communication costs matter in practice, join and leave results are also shown for a wide area network (WAN). It would have been interesting to see results for larger key sizes. Since the protocols differ in trading off computation versus communication, no one protocol is always best. TGDH is shown to be the best single protocol overall, though the authors discuss several common application classes where other algorithms are better. They also demonstrate why, with real systems, theoretical analysis alone is insufficient. This is excellent work, reported well. Both theoretical computer scientists and practicing software developers can appreciate this work, and both should emulate it. Online Computing Reviews Service

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