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Experimental analysis of the fastest optimum cycle ratio and mean algorithms

Published: 01 October 2004 Publication History


Optimum cycle ratio (OCR) algorithms are fundamental to the performance analysis of (digital or manufacturing) systems with cycles. Some applications in the computer-aided design field include cycle time and slack optimization for circuits, retiming, timing separation analysis, and rate analysis. There are many OCR algorithms, and since a superior time complexity in theory does not mean a superior time complexity in practice, or vice-versa, it is important to know how these algorithms perform in practice on real circuit benchmarks. A recent published study experimentally evaluated almost all the known OCR algorithms, and determined the fastest one among them. This article improves on that study in the following ways: (1) it focuses on the fastest OCR algorithms only; (2) it provides a unified theoretical framework and a few new results; (3) it runs these algorithms on the largest circuit benchmarks available; (4) it compares the algorithms in terms of many properties in addition to running times such as operation counts, convergence behavior, space requirements, generality, simplicity, and robustness; (5) it analyzes the experimental results using statistical techniques and provides asymptotic time complexity of each algorithm in practice; and (6) it provides clear guidance to the use and implementation of these algorithms together with our algorithmic improvements.


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cover image ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems
ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems  Volume 9, Issue 4
October 2004
144 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

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Published: 01 October 2004
Published in TODAES Volume 9, Issue 4


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  1. Cycle mean
  2. cycle period
  3. cycle ratio
  4. cycle time
  5. data flow graphs
  6. discrete event systems
  7. experimental analysis
  8. iteration bound
  9. system performance analysis


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