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A comparative study on attributed relational gra matching algorithms for perceptual 3-D shape descriptor in MPEG-7

Published: 10 October 2004 Publication History


Nowadays, the demand on user-friendly querying interface such as query-by-sketch and query-by-editing is an important issue in the content-based retrieval system for 3-D object database. Especially in MPEG-7, P3DS (Perceptual 3-D Shape) descriptor has been developed in order to provide the user-friendly querying, which can not be covered by an existing international standard for description and browsing of 3-D object database. Since the P3DS descriptor is based on the part-based representation of 3-D object, it is a kind of attributed relational gra (ARG) so that the ARG matching algorithm naturally follows as the core procedure for the similarity matching of the P3DS descriptor. In this paper, given a P3DS database from the corresponding 3-D object database, we bring focus into investigating the pros and cons of the target ARG matching algorithms. In order to demonstrate the objective evidence of our conclusion, we have conducted the experiments based on the database of 480 3-D objects with 33 categories in terms of the bull's eye performance, average normalized modified retrieval rate, and <i>precision/recall</i> curve.


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cover image ACM Conferences
MULTIMEDIA '04: Proceedings of the 12th annual ACM international conference on Multimedia
October 2004
1028 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

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Published: 10 October 2004


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  1. attributed relational gra generation and matching
  2. mpeg-7
  3. perceptual 3-D shape descriptor
  4. performance evaluation


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