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Acquisition of categorized named entities for web search

Published: 13 November 2004 Publication History


The recognition of names and their associated categories within unstructured text traditionally relies on semantic lexicons and gazetteers. The amount of effort required to assemble large lexicons confines the recognition to either a limited domain (e.g., <i>medical imaging</i>), or a small set of pre-defined, broader categories of interest (e.g., <i>persons</i>, <i>countries</i>, <i>organizations</i>, <i>products</i>). This constitutes a serious limitation in an information seeking context. In this case, the categories of potential interest to users are more diverse (<i>universities</i>, <i>agencies</i>, <i>retailers</i>, <i>celebrities</i>), often refined (e.g., <i>SLR digital cameras</i>, <i>programming languages</i>, <i>multinational oil companies</i>), and usually overlapping (e.g., the same entity may be concurrently a <i>brand name</i>, a <i>technology company</i>, and an <i>industry leader</i>). We present a lightly supervised method for acquiring named entities in arbitrary categories. The method applies lightweight lexico-syntactic extraction patterns to the unstructured text of Web documents. The method is a departure from traditional approaches to named entity recognition in that: 1) it does not require any start-up seed names or training; 2) it does not encode any domain knowledge in its extraction patterns; 3) it is only lightly supervised, and data-driven; 4) it does not impose any a-priori restriction on the categories of extracted names. We illustrate applications of the method in Web search, and describe experiments on 500 million Web documents and news articles.


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Alexander Gelbukh

The first thing expected from a program intelligently dealing with natural language text is the ability to relate some words with others, for example, to know that France is a European country, so that a user searching on the Internet for "tours to Europe" would get information on visiting France. Dictionaries (ontologies) providing such information are the driving force of modern information retrieval, language processing, and electronic commerce research. Since the manual compilation of such ontologies is too costly, many researchers have suggested methods for their automatic creation, by parsing texts. Pasca, of Google, demonstrates how to extract such an ontology, with a surprisingly simple, robust, and extensible unsupervised algorithm, looking for expressions like "France and other European countries" in a huge collection of Web pages; the system automatically learns new instances of such patterns. Though the idea is not novel [1], its evaluation on such a large corpus provides yet another example of exploiting the enormous redundancy of the Web to extract very specific knowledge, on very broad subjects, with very basic, simplistic algorithms. The paper discusses numerous applications of the extracted ontology in information retrieval and computational lexicography (which is also not new, but tutorial), and possible generalizations of the method to extract other types of data. The paper is motivating for information retrieval and language engineering specialists, and, due to its good introduction, clear style, numerous examples, and simple algorithms, it will be encouraging for novices, and for developers dealing with natural language data. Online Computing Reviews Service

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CIKM '04: Proceedings of the thirteenth ACM international conference on Information and knowledge management
November 2004
678 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

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Published: 13 November 2004


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  1. information integration
  2. lightweight text processing
  3. named entity extraction
  4. related names and categories
  5. web information retrieval


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  • (2022)A novel end-to-end neural network for simultaneous filtering of task-unrelated named entities and fine-grained typing of task-related named entitiesExpert Systems with Applications: An International Journal10.1016/j.eswa.2022.117498204:COnline publication date: 15-Oct-2022
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