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SIGMETRICS '82: Proceedings of the 1982 ACM SIGMETRICS conference on Measurement and modeling of computer systems
ACM1982 Proceeding
  • Association for Computing Machinery
  • New York
  • NY
  • United States
Seattle Washington 30 August 1982- 1 September 1982
30 August 1982

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The ACM SIGMETRICS Conference on Measurement and Modeling of Computer Systems has established itself as a unique forum for discussing the development and application of state-of- the-art computer system analysis techniques. Over the years the conference has achieved a bal- ance of theory and practice that can be contrasted on the one hand to conferences emphasizing computer performance analysis through measurement, and on the other hand to conferences emphasizing the mathematical aspects of computer system modeling. In organizing the program for the 1982 conference we have attempted to continue this tradition.

The 27 papers in the program were selected from among more than 60 submissions, each of which was reviewed by the Program Chairman, two other members of the Program Committee, and at least one external referee. Several papers of special merit were forwarded to the Systems Modeling and Performance Evaluation department of <I>CACM</I> for consideration. Only extended abstracts appear in this Proceedings for the two papers accepted by <I>CACM</I>:

<I>The Aggregate Sewer Method for Analyzing Serialization Delays in Computer Systems</I>;" S.C. Agrawal (Purdue University) and J.P. Buzen (BGS Systems)

<I>Performance Bound Hierarchies for Queueing Networks</I>; Derek L. Eager and Kenneth C. Sevcik (University of Toronto)

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SESSION: Virtual memeory I
Optimal control of thrashing

The method of discrete optimal control is applied to control thrashing in a virtual memory. Certain difficulties with several previous approaches are discussed. The mechanism of optimal control is presented as an effective, inexpensive alternative. A ...

Hierarchical replacement decisions in hierarchical stores

One of the primary motivations for implementing virtual memory is its ability to automatically manage a hierarchy of storage systems with different characteristics. The composite system behaves as if it were a single-level system having the more ...

SESSION: Virtual memory II
Program page reference patterns

This paper describes a set of measurements of the memory reference patterns of some programs. The technique used to obtain these measurements is unusually efficient. The data is presented in graphical form to allow the reader to "see" how the program ...

The effective management of paging storage hierarchies

The use of storage hierarchies in the implementation of a paging system is investigated. Alternative approaches for managing a paging storage hierarchy are described and two are selected for further study - staging and migration. Characteristic ...

SESSION: Workload characterization
Workload characterization and performance evaluation in a research environment

This paper describes the process of bench-marking the diverse research environment that constitutes the workload of VAX/VMS at the University Analysis and Control Center at North Carolina State University. The benchmarking process began with a study of ...

On state-dependent workload characterization by software resources

A method for the characterization of computer workload at the task level is presented. After having divided the workload into different classes using a cluster technique, each cluster is further analysed by state dependent transition matrices. Thus it ...

A package for the implementation of static workload models

The general principles for constructing workload models are reviewed. The differences between static and dynamic workload models are introduced and the importance of the classification phase for the implementation of both types of workload models is ...

SESSION: Measurement
The Mesa Spy: an interactive tool for performance debugging

The Spy is a performance evaluation tool for the Mesa environment that uses a new extention to the PC sampling technique. The data collection process can use information in the run time call stack to determine what code is responsible for the resources ...

Measuring simultaneous events in a multiprocessor system

In the hierarchically organized multiprocessor system EGPA, which has the structure of a pyramid, the performance of concurrent programs is studied. These studies are assisted by a hardware monitor (ZÄHLMONITOR III), which measures not only the activity ...

SESSION: Queueing theory: developments and applications
Stationary deterministic flows in discrete systems: i

We consider a deterministic system whose state space is the n-dimensional first orthant. It may be considered as a network of (deterministic) queues, a Karp-Miller vector addition system, a Petrinet, a complex computer system, etc. Weak assumptions are ...

A data base replication analysis using an M/M/m queue with service interruptions

A study of file replication policies for distributed data bases will be approached through the analysis of an M/M/m queue subjected to state-independent, preemptive interruptions of service. The durations of periods of interruption constitute a sequence ...

Modelling of the parallel resolution of a numerical problem on a locally distributed computing system

Modern VLSI technology has enabled the development of high-speed computing systems, based upon various multiprocessor architecture [1]. We can distinguish several types of such systems, depending on the control policies adopted, the interprocessor ...

SESSION: Queueing network models of disk and memory subsystems
Modeling I/O systems with dynamic path selection, and general transmission networks

This paper examines general transmission networks, of which I/O subsystems are a special case. By using the maximum entropy principle, we answer questions such as what is the probability that a path to a given node is free when that node is ready to ...

Multiple class memory constrained queueing networks

Most computer systems have a memory constraint: a limit on the number of requests that can actively compete for processing resources, imposed by finite memory resources. This characteristic violates the conditions required for queueing network ...

Fast approximate solution of multiprogramming models

Queueing network models of computer systems with multiprogramming constraints generally do not possess a product-form solution in the sense of Jackson. Therefore, one is usually led to consider approximation techniques when dealing with such models. ...

SESSION: Performance modeling of software systems
The aggregate server method for analyzing serialization delays in computer systems

The aggregate server method is an approximate, iterative technique for analyzing the delays programs encounter while waiting for entry into critical sections, non-reentrant subroutines, and similar software structures that cause processing to become ...

Performance analysis of software for an MIMD computer

This paper presents a technique for modeling and analyzing the performance of software for an MIMD (Multiple Instruction Multiple Data) computer. The models can be used as an alternative to experimentation for the evaluation of various algorithms and ...

Modeling reentrant and nonreentrant software

A description of software module models for computer systems is presented. The software module models are based on a two level description, the software level and the hardware level, of the computer system. In the software module level it is possible to ...

Operational models for the evaluation of degradable computing systems

Recent advances in multiprocessor technology have established the need for unified methods to evaluate computing systems performance and reliability. In response to this modeling need, this paper considers a general modeling framework which permits the ...

SESSION: Numerical methods
Extensions and computational aspects of an iterative method

The so-called iterative methods are among a class of methods that have recently been applied to obtain approximate solutions to general queueing networks. In this paper it is shown that if the network contains feedback loops, then it is more ...

HAM: the heuristic aggregation method for solving general closed queueing network models of computer systems

An approximate analytical method for estimating performance statistics of general closed queueing network models of computing systems is presented. These networks may include queues with priority scheduling disciplines and non-exponential servers and ...

SESSION: Bounds for queueing networks
Performance bound hierarchies for queueing networks

In applications of queueing network models to computer system performance prediction, the computational effort required to obtain an exact equilibrium solution of a model may not be justified by the accuracy actually required. In these cases, there is a ...

Error analysis of homogeneous mean queue and response time estimators

Flow balance and homogeneity assumptions are needed to derive operational counterparts of M/M/1 queue length and response time formulas. This paper presents relationships between the assumption errors and the errors in the queue length and response time ...

SESSION: Analysis of communication networks
A model of transport level flow control

A Markov Decision Process model is developed to analyze buffer assignment at the transport level of the ARPAnet protocol. The result of the analysis is a method for obtaining an assignment policy which is optimal with respect to a delay/throughput/...

Control policies in CSMA local area networks: ethernet controls

An analysis of the random carrier sense multiple access channel is presented in terms of the behaviour of each participating station. A detailed model of the station protocol, including the control policy used in case collisions, is used to derive the ...

An analysis of two flow control techniques

Queuing models can be useful tools in comparing the performance characteristics of different flow control techniques. In this paper the window control mechanism, incorporated in protocols such as X.25 is compared to the ARPAnet buffer reservation ...

Modelling the Cambridge Ring

Models for the local area computer network known as the Cambridge Ring are developed and evaluated. Two different levels of protocol are considered: the hardware and the Basic Block. These require different approaches and, in the second case, an ...

  • University of Washington


Acceptance Rates

Overall Acceptance Rate 459 of 2,691 submissions, 17%
SIGMETRICS '193175016%
SIGMETRICS '182705420%
SIGMETRICS '17 Abstracts762736%
SIGMETRICS '162082813%
SIGMETRICS '152393213%
SIGMETRICS '142374017%
SIGMETRICS '131965428%
SIGMETRICS '032222612%
SIGMETRICS '021702314%
SIGMETRICS '012332912%
SIGMETRICS '001652817%
SIGMETRICS '99921820%
SIGMETRICS '971302519%