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View all- Wang YZhou C(2005)Fluid based simulation model for high volume DC conveyor systemsProceedings of the 37th conference on Winter simulation10.5555/1162708.1162948(1373-1380)Online publication date: 4-Dec-2005
In this paper, we first formally identify a FIFO fluid network that corresponds to the queueing network under a first-in first-out FIFO service discipline, thus complementing the result of Dai Dai, J. G. 1995a. On positive Harris recurrence of ...
In this paper, we first formally identify a FIFO fluid network that corresponds to the queueing network under a first-in first-out FIFO service discipline, thus complementing the result of Dai Dai, J. G. 1995a. On positive Harris recurrence of ...
We study a multiclass open-queueing network with a set of single-server stations that operate under a combination of FIFO (first-in-first out) and priority service disciplines, and are subject to random breakdowns. Assuming that the primitive processes--...
Association for Computing Machinery
New York, NY, United States
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