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10.1145/1047344.1047471acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagessigcseConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Intention-based scoring: an approach to measuring success at solving the composition problem

Published: 23 February 2005 Publication History


Traditional methods of evaluating student programs are not always appropriate for assessment of different instructional interventions. They tend to focus on the final product rather than on the process that led to it. This paper presents intention-based scoring (IBS), an approach to measuring programming ability that looks at intermediate programs produced over the course of an implementation rather than just the one at the end. The intent is to assess a student's ability to produce algorithmically correct code on the first attempt at achieving each program goal. In other words, the goal is to answer question "How close was the student to being initially correct?" but not to speak to a student's debugging skills or ability to ultimately produce a working program. To produce an IBS, it is necessary to inspect a student's online protocol, which is simply the collection of all programs submitted to a compiler. IBS involves a three-phase process of (1) identification of the subset of all programs in a protocol that represent the initial attempts at achieving programming goals, (2) bug identification, and (3) rubric-based scoring. We conclude with an example application of IBS in the evaluation of a tutoring system for beginning programmers and also show how an IBS can be broken down by the underlying bug categories to reveal more subtle differences.


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  1. Intention-based scoring: an approach to measuring success at solving the composition problem



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    SIGCSE '05: Proceedings of the 36th SIGCSE technical symposium on Computer science education
    February 2005
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    Published: 23 February 2005


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    1. intelligent tutoring systems
    2. intention-based scoring
    3. novice programming
    4. online protocols
    5. structured programming


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