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Predicting human interruptibility with sensors

Published: 01 March 2005 Publication History


A person seeking another person's attention is normally able to quickly assess how interruptible the other person currently is. Such assessments allow behavior that we consider natural, socially appropriate, or simply polite. This is in sharp contrast to current computer and communication systems, which are largely unaware of the social situations surrounding their usage and the impact that their actions have on these situations. If systems could model human interruptibility, they could use this information to negotiate interruptions at appropriate times, thus improving human computer interaction.This article presents a series of studies that quantitatively demonstrate that simple sensors can support the construction of models that estimate human interruptibility as well as people do. These models can be constructed without using complex sensors, such as vision-based techniques, and therefore their use in everyday office environments is both practical and affordable. Although currently based on a demographically limited sample, our results indicate a substantial opportunity for future research to validate these results over larger groups of office workers. Our results also motivate the development of systems that use these models to negotiate interruptions at socially appropriate times.


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Claudia Roda

How can a system decide whether it is appropriate to interrupt a person's activity to report, for example, the availability of new information, or the arrival of an email or phone call__?__ The authors of this paper argue "that simple sensors can support the construction of models that estimate human interruptibility as well as people do." They support their claim with a very detailed description of a set of quantitative studies, analyzing audio and video recordings of people in their working environments, along with their self-reported "rate of current interruptibility." The results obtained from a set of manually simulated sensors detecting various activities in the environment are used to feed models (based on standard machine learning techniques) capable of providing estimates of interruptibility. The authors demonstrate that these estimates "are as good as or better than the estimates provided by people watching [the] audio and video recordings." While the authors are mainly interested in demonstrating that interruptibility can be estimated using easy-to-build sensors, the reader will have to turn to other sources for a more holistic view of human interruptibility. Such a holistic view would address, for example, the issues of a person's goals with respect to the interruption [1]; the situation in which the interruption takes place, and individual preferences with respect to interruptions [2]; and the fine timing of interruptions during task performance. The results and methodologies described in this paper will be very relevant for those studying sensor-based detection of human cognitive states. Online Computing Reviews Service

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cover image ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction
ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction  Volume 12, Issue 1
March 2005
146 pages
Issue’s Table of Contents


Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 01 March 2005
Published in TOCHI Volume 12, Issue 1


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  1. Situationally appropriate interaction
  2. context-aware computing
  3. machine learning
  4. managing human attention
  5. sensor-based interfaces


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