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View all- Sharma RNarayan Singh S(2020)Framework for detection of cardiac disease by interpreting ECG Signal2020 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Sustainable Systems (ICISS)10.1109/ICISS49785.2020.9315903(596-599)Online publication date: 3-Dec-2020
- Burlina PSprouse CDeMenthon DJorstad AJuang RContijoch FAbraham TYuh DMcVeigh E(2010)Patient-specific modeling and analysis of the mitral valve using 3D-TEEProceedings of the First international conference on Information processing in computer-assisted interventions10.5555/1876302.1876319(135-146)Online publication date: 23-Jun-2010
- Burlina PSprouse CDeMenthon DJorstad AJuang RContijoch FAbraham TYuh DMcVeigh E(2010)Patient-Specific Modeling and Analysis of the Mitral Valve Using 3D-TEEInformation Processing in Computer-Assisted Interventions10.1007/978-3-642-13711-2_13(135-146)Online publication date: 2010
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