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View all- Kuprat AEinstein D(2009)An anisotropic scale-invariant unstructured mesh generator suitable for volumetric imaging dataJournal of Computational Physics10.1016/ publication date: 1-Feb-2009
This paper describes a method for creating a well-shaped, layered tetrahedral mesh of a thin-walled solid by adapting the surface triangle sizes to the estimated wall thickness. The primary target application of the method is the finite element analysis ...
We present a method for the construction of multiple levels of tetrahedral meshes approximating a trivariate scalar-valued function at different levels of detail. Starting with an initial, high-resolution triangulation of a three-dimensional region, we ...
This paper presents a novel octree-based dual contouring (DC) algorithm for adaptive triangular or tetrahedral mesh generation with guaranteed angle range. First, an adaptive octree is constructed based on the input geometry. Then the octree grid points ...
Association for Computing Machinery
New York, NY, United States
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