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Efficient data driven run-time code generation

Published: 22 October 2004 Publication History


Knowledge of data values at run-time allows us to generate better code in terms of efficiency, size and power consumption.This paper introduces a low-level compiling technique based on a minimal code generator with parametric embedded sections to generate binary code at run-time. This generator called a "compilet" creates code and allocates registers using the data input. Then, it generates the needed instructions. Our measurements, performed on Itanium 2 and PowerPC platforms have shown a speed improvement of 43% on the Itanium 2 platform and 41% on the PowerPC one.The proposed technique proves to be particularly useful in the case of intensively reused functions in graphic applications, where the advantages of dynamic compilation have not been fully taken into account yet.


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  1. Efficient data driven run-time code generation



    Information & Contributors


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    cover image ACM Other conferences
    LCR '04: Proceedings of the 7th workshop on Workshop on languages, compilers, and run-time support for scalable systems
    October 2004
    134 pages
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    • The Texas Learning & Computation Center
    • University of Houston


    Association for Computing Machinery

    New York, NY, United States

    Publication History

    Published: 22 October 2004


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