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View all- Zahed MFields T(2021)Evaluation of pilot and quadcopter performance from open-loop mission-oriented flight testingProceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering10.1177/0954410020985987235:13(1817-1830)Online publication date: 10-Mar-2021
- Joshi ASawant VChakraborty DChung H(2019)Implementation of min-max time consensus tracking on a multi-quadrotor testbed2019 18th European Control Conference (ECC)10.23919/ECC.2019.8795992(1073-1078)Online publication date: Jun-2019
- Patil DMulla A(2019)Distributed Computation of Minimum Step Consensus for Discrete Time Multi-Agent Systems2019 Fifth Indian Control Conference (ICC)10.1109/INDIANCC.2019.8715568(189-194)Online publication date: Jan-2019
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