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10.1145/1069774.1069780acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesppdpConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Program transformation by templates based on term rewriting

Published: 11 July 2005 Publication History


Huet and Lang (1978) presented a framework of automated program transformation based on lambda calculus in which programs are transformed according to a given program transformation template. They introduced a second-order matching algorithm of simply-typed lambda calculus to verify whether the input program matches the template. They also showed how to validate the correctness of the program transformation using the denotational semantics.We propose in this paper a framework of program transformation by templates based on term rewriting. In our new framework, programs are given by term rewriting systems. To automate our program transformation, we introduce a term pattern matching problem and present a sound and complete algorithm that solves this problem.We also discuss how to validate the correctness of program transformation in our framework. We introduce a notion of developed templates and a simple method to construct such templates without explicit use of induction. We then show that in any program transformation by developed templates the correctness of the transformation can be verified automatically. In our framework the correctness of the program transformation is discussed based on the operational semantics. This is a sharp contrast to Huet and Lang's framework.


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Marlin W Thomas

The automatic rewriting of programming code to enhance efficiency is fundamental to compiler design, and is an important area in theoretical computer science. The most typical current practice uses templates that comprise input and output schemas and equations that programs must satisfy to ensure the correctness of the transformation. Denotational semantics provides the mechanism for formal verification. In contrast to the current standard practice, the authors use templates that comprise term rewriting systems, and they employ operational semantics for formal verification. One benefit is that their system reduces the burden of verification that is present in current standard practice. The authors provide the necessary theoretical background for their paper, develop a system of term rewriting rules using templates, demonstrate the correctness of the transformations, and present and solve a term pattern matching problem. The authors make clear that their work complements existing practice, and they detail the subtle differences that their approach provides. Readers will need to be familiar with operational semantics and the seminal work of Huet and Lang [1] to fully appreciate the argument presented and the issues addressed. Online Computing Reviews Service

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Published In

cover image ACM Conferences
PPDP '05: Proceedings of the 7th ACM SIGPLAN international conference on Principles and practice of declarative programming
July 2005
260 pages
  • General Chair:
  • Pedro Barahona,
  • Program Chair:
  • Amy Felty
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 11 July 2005


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Author Tags

  1. inductive theorem proving
  2. program transformation
  3. term rewriting
  4. tree homomorphism


  • Article



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  • (2020)Confluence and Commutation for Nominal Rewriting Systems with Atom-VariablesLogic-Based Program Synthesis and Transformation10.1007/978-3-030-68446-4_3(56-73)Online publication date: 7-Sep-2020
  • (2013)A Two-Valued Logic for Properties of Strict Functional Programs Allowing Partial FunctionsJournal of Automated Reasoning10.1007/s10817-012-9253-650:4(383-421)Online publication date: 1-Apr-2013
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