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A model for characterizing the scalability of distributed systems

Published: 01 July 2005 Publication History


Scalability is an important issue in the construction of distributed systems. A number of theoretical and experimental studies have been made on scalability of distributed systems. However, they have been either studies on specific technologies or have studied scalability in isolation. The main conjecture of our work is that scalability must be perceived along with the related issues of availability, synchronization and consistency. In this context, we propose a scalability model which characterizes scalability as being dependent on these factors as well as the workload and faultload. The model is generic and can be used to compare scalability of similar systems. We illustrate this by a comparison between NFS and AFS, two well known distributed file systems. The model is also useful in identifying scalability bottlenecks in distributed systems. We have applied the model to optimize Virat, a wide-area shared object space that we have built.


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  1. A model for characterizing the scalability of distributed systems



                  Information & Contributors


                  Published In

                  cover image ACM SIGOPS Operating Systems Review
                  ACM SIGOPS Operating Systems Review  Volume 39, Issue 3
                  July 2005
                  93 pages
                  Issue’s Table of Contents


                  Association for Computing Machinery

                  New York, NY, United States

                  Publication History

                  Published: 01 July 2005
                  Published in SIGOPS Volume 39, Issue 3

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