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View all- Xu ZHu TSong Q(2017)Bulk Data Dissemination in Low Power Sensor Networks: Present and Future DirectionsSensors10.3390/s1701015617:12(156)Online publication date: 14-Jan-2017
An effective approach for energy conservation in wireless sensor networks is scheduling sleep intervals for extraneous nodes while the remaining nodes stay active to provide continuous service. For the sensor network to operate successfully, the active ...
We develop distributed algorithms for adaptive sensor networks that respond to directing a target through a region of space. We model this problem as an online distributed motion planning problem. Each sensor node senses values in its perception space ...
An ad-hoc wireless sensor network-based system is presented that detects and accurately locates shooters even in urban environments. The localization accuracy of the system in open terrain is competitive with that of existing centralized countersniper ...
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