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A framework for time indexing in sensor networks

Published: 01 August 2005 Publication History


In this article, we define the time-indexing problem as the in-network storage and querying of sensor network data based solely on the time attribute. We argue qualitatively why existing storage schemes may be insufficient as solutions. We then present, analyze, and evaluate novel and lightweight solutions to both the storage and the querying subproblems for time indexing. First, the time-indexed storage problem is formally defined and two formulations are presented seeking to optimize generic utility functions that are derived from concerns about energy, bandwidth usage, and storage balancing. We present and analyze decentralized protocols to solve these formulations and prove the optimality of some of our solutions. Secondly, maintenance and use of simple overlays among rendezvous point nodes in order to enable fault-tolerant and efficient time-indexed queries are discussed. Finally, simulation results are presented to quantify performance characteristics of the protocols, and we find that our proposed scheme has low query overhead that scales with system size and density while exhibiting very good load-balancing and fault-tolerance properties. The use of time-indexed structure is shown to achieve more than double the lifetime of sensor networks compared to existing approaches in some scenarios.


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cover image ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks
ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks  Volume 1, Issue 1
August 2005
152 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

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Published: 01 August 2005
Published in TOSN Volume 1, Issue 1


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