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The concept of layered proving trees and its application to the automation of security protocol verification

Published: 01 August 2005 Publication History


Security protocols are one of the most critical elements in enabling the secure communication and processing of information. The presence of flaws in published protocols highlights the complexity of security protocol design. Only formal verification can provide strong confidence in the correctness of security protocols and is considered an imperative step in their design. This paper presents a new theoretical concept, called Layered Proving Trees, for automatically applying logical postulates in logic-based security protocol verification.An algorithm for the new concept is introduced and the soundness and completeness of the technique is proved. Empirical results on the performance of the algorithm are presented. The presented proofs and empirical results demonstrate the feasibility and effectiveness of the Layered Proving Tree approach.


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cover image ACM Transactions on Information and System Security
ACM Transactions on Information and System Security  Volume 8, Issue 3
August 2005
89 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 01 August 2005
Published in TISSEC Volume 8, Issue 3


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  1. Security protocols
  2. automated protocol verification
  3. cryptographic protocols
  4. cryptography
  5. logic-based verification of security protocols


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