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Introducing embedded software and systems education and advanced learning technology in an engineering curriculum

Published: 01 August 2005 Publication History


Embedded software and systems are at the intersection of electrical engineering, computer engineering, and computer science, with, increasing importance, in mechanical engineering. Despite the clear need for knowledge of systems modeling and analysis (covered in electrical and other engineering disciplines) and analysis of computational processes (covered in computer science), few academic programs have integrated the two disciplines into a cohesive program of study. This paper describes the efforts conducted at Vanderbilt University to establish a curriculum that addresses the needs of embedded software and systems. Given the compartmentalized nature of traditional engineering schools, where each discipline has an independent program of study, we have had to devise innovative ways to bring together the two disciplines. The paper also describes our current efforts in using learning technology to construct, manage, and deliver sophisticated computer-aided learning modules that can supplement the traditional course structure in the individual disciplines through out-of-class and in-class use.


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  1. Introducing embedded software and systems education and advanced learning technology in an engineering curriculum



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      cover image ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems
      ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems  Volume 4, Issue 3
      August 2005
      238 pages
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      Association for Computing Machinery

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      Published: 01 August 2005
      Published in TECS Volume 4, Issue 3


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