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This volume contains the Proceedings of MERλIN 2005, the Third ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on MEchanized Reasoning about Languages with varIable biNding, which is held in association with the 10th ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Functional Programming (ICFP 2005), on August 30th, 2005 in Tallinn, Estonia.Currently, there is considerable interest in the use of computers to encode (operational) semantic descriptions of programming languages. Such encodings are often done within the metalanguage of a theorem prover or related system. The encodings may require the use of variable binding constructs, inductive definitions, coinductive definitions, and associated schemes of (co)recursion. The broad aims of this workshop series are to provide researchers with a forum to review state of the art results and techniques, and to present recent and new progress in these areas.The papers in this volume were reviewed by the following programme committee:
James Cheney (University of Edinburgh, UK)
Roy L. Crole (University of Leicester, UK)
Joelle Despeyroux (INRIA, France)
Amy Felty (University of Ottawa, Canada)
Martin Hofmann (LMU, Germany)
Marino Miculan (University of Udine, Italy)
Alberto Momigliano (University of Edinburgh, UK)
Randy Pollack (University of Edinburgh, UK)
Proceeding Downloads
Towards a type theory of contexts
At the 2003 Merlin workshop, we presented an initial report on providing a logical basis for the understanding of meta-variables. Our calculus rests on a contextual modality that is intrinsically connected to explicit substitutions, but does not provide ...
A computational approach to reflective meta-reasoning about languages with bindings
We present a foundation for a computational meta-theory of languages with bindings implemented in a computer-aided formal reasoning environment. Our theory provides the ability to reason abstractly about operators, languages, open-ended languages, ...
A unified category-theoretic formulation of typed binding signatures
We generalise Fiore et al's account of variable binding for untyped cartesian contexts and Tanaka's account of variable binding for untyped linear contexts to give an account of variable binding for simply typed axiomatically defined contexts. In line ...
A formal treatment of the barendregt variable convention in rule inductions
Barendregt's variable convention simplifies many informal proofs in the λ-calculus by allowing the consideration of only those bound variables that have been suitably chosen. Barendregt does not give a formal justification for the variable convention, ...
Toward a general theory of names: binding and scope
High-level formalisms for reasoning about names and binding such as de Bruijn indices, various flavors of higher-order abstract syntax, the Theory of Contexts, and nominal abstract syntax address only one relatively restrictive form of scoping: namely, ...
Translating specifications from nominal logic to CIC with the theory of contexts
We study the relation between Nominal Logic and the Theory of Contexts, two approaches for specifying and reasoning about datatypes with binders. We consider a natural-deduction style proof system for intuitionistic nominal logic, called NINL, inspired ...
Types with semantics: soundness proof assistant
We present a parametric Hoare-like logic for computer-aided reasoning about typeable properties of functional programs. The logic is based on the concept of a specialised assertion, which is a predicate expressing the semantics of a typing judgment in a ...
Combining higher-order abstract syntax with first-order abstract syntax in ATS
Encodings based on higher-order abstract syntax represent the variables of an object-language as the variables of a meta-language. Such encodings allow for the reuse of α-conversion, substitution and hypothetical judgments already defined in the meta-...
- Proceedings of the 3rd ACM SIGPLAN workshop on Mechanized reasoning about languages with variable binding