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SLEPc: A scalable and flexible toolkit for the solution of eigenvalue problems

Published: 01 September 2005 Publication History


The Scalable Library for Eigenvalue Problem Computations (SLEPc) is a software library for computing a few eigenvalues and associated eigenvectors of a large sparse matrix or matrix pencil. It has been developed on top of PETSc and enforces the same programming paradigm.The emphasis of the software is on methods and techniques appropriate for problems in which the associated matrices are sparse, for example, those arising after the discretization of partial differential equations. Therefore, most of the methods offered by the library are projection methods such as Arnoldi or Lanczos, or other methods with similar properties. SLEPc provides basic methods as well as more sophisticated algorithms. It also provides built-in support for spectral transformations such as the shift-and-invert technique. SLEPc is a general library in the sense that it covers standard and generalized eigenvalue problems, both Hermitian and non-Hermitian, with either real or complex arithmetic.SLEPc can be easily applied to real world problems. To illustrate this, several case studies arising from real applications are presented and solved with SLEPc with little programming effort. The addressed problems include a matrix-free standard problem, a complex generalized problem, and a singular value decomposition. The implemented codes exhibit good properties regarding flexibility as well as parallel performance.


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Grigore Albeanu

A new package to be used on parallel platforms for the solution of standard and generalized eigenproblems, either in real or complex arithmetic, is presented. The authors offer a clear and well-structured presentation, giving basic information concerning the scalable library for the eigenvalue problem computations (SLEPc) package and three case studies to illustrate the software performances in different situations. The paper contains very good references and useful links for free documentation about SLEPc, examples, and the SLEPc library. SLEPc is portable, scalable, efficient, and flexible, and extends the well-known portable extensible toolkit for scientific computation (PETSc) library. It provides support for existing libraries, such as ARPACK, BLZPACK, PLANSO, TRLAN, and LAPACK, and future developments. The development team designed two objects: the eigenvalue problem solver (EPS) and the spectral transformation (ST). The package provides the following spectral transformations: shift to origin, shift and invert, and the Cayley transformation. These operators are available for solving standard and generalized eigenvalue problems. Both shell matrices and shell transformations are supported for user-defined matrix operations and spectral transformations. As the paper's fourth section shows, both command line and procedural approaches can be used. Extensibility and interoperability are other important features of SLEPc. Using the library does not require any experience in parallel programming. Each case study provides details about the SLEPc-based implementation, and includes the results concerning performance tests: running with one processor is not a good idea, but speedup and efficiency are obtained with two processors. Online Computing Reviews Service

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Published In

cover image ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software
ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software  Volume 31, Issue 3
Special issue on the Advanced CompuTational Software (ACTS) Collection
September 2005
143 pages
Issue’s Table of Contents


Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 01 September 2005
Published in TOMS Volume 31, Issue 3


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  1. Eigenvalue computation
  2. singular values
  3. spectral transform


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