Cited By
View all- van Dooren MSteegmans E(2007)A Higher Abstraction Level Using First-Class Inheritance RelationsECOOP 2007 – Object-Oriented Programming10.1007/978-3-540-73589-2_20(425-449)Online publication date: 2007
In object-oriented languages, encapsulation and inheritance play an important part for software reusability and maintainability. The separation of subtyping and inheritance makes inheritance a more flexible mechanism reusing code. The main enhanced ...
In object-oriented systems, assessing reusability plays a key role in reducing a cost and improving the quality of the software. Objectoriented programming helps in achieving the concept of reusability through different types of inheritance programs, ...
In many concurrent programming languages programs are difficult to extend and modify. This is because changes in a concurrent program (either through modification or extension) require re-implementation of some or all components. This paper presents the ...
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