Cited By
View all- Karetsos SManouselis NCostopoulou C(2009)Modeling an e-government observatory for rural SMEs using UML with RUPOperational Research10.1007/s12351-009-0060-811:1(59-75)Online publication date: 31-Jul-2009
When refactorings are applied to software models that are specified using the Unified Modeling Language (UML), the actual model and the graphical presentation of the model using a diagram need to be distinguished. While UML refactoring tools exist, they ...
Software analysts create many artifacts, and until recently, these have been cumbersome to reuse. REUSER is a CASE (computer-aided software engineering) tool that lets analysts automatically retrieve related artifacts for reuse. Evaluations of REUSER ...
This contribution discusses system modeling with UML behavior diagrams. We consider statecharts and both kinds of interaction diagrams, i.e., sequence and communication diagrams. We present new implementation features in a UML and OCL modeling tool: (1) ...
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