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Fault-scalable Byzantine fault-tolerant services

Published: 20 October 2005 Publication History


A fault-scalable service can be configured to tolerate increasing numbers of faults without significant decreases in performance. The Query/Update (Q/U) protocol is a new tool that enables construction of fault-scalable Byzantine fault-tolerant services. The optimistic quorum-based nature of the Q/U protocol allows it to provide better throughput and fault-scalability than replicated state machines using agreement-based protocols. A prototype service built using the Q/U protocol outperforms the same service built using a popular replicated state machine implementation at all system sizes in experiments that permit an optimistic execution. Moreover, the performance of the Q/U protocol decreases by only 36% as the number of Byzantine faults tolerated increases from one to five, whereas the performance of the replicated state machine decreases by 83%.


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SOSP '05: Proceedings of the twentieth ACM symposium on Operating systems principles
October 2005
259 pages
  • cover image ACM SIGOPS Operating Systems Review
    ACM SIGOPS Operating Systems Review  Volume 39, Issue 5
    SOSP '05
    December 2005
    290 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

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Published: 20 October 2005


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  1. byzantine fault-tolerance
  2. fault-scalability
  3. quorums
  4. replicated state machines
  5. services


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