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SIGUCCS '05: Proceedings of the 33rd annual ACM SIGUCCS conference on User services
ACM2005 Proceeding
  • Association for Computing Machinery
  • New York
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  • United States
SIGUCCS Fall05: ACM SIGUCCS Fall Conference:Fishing for New Ideas Monterey CA USA November 6 - 9, 2005
06 November 2005
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The Conference Planning and Program Committees are pleased to publish the Proceedings for the 33rd Annual ACM SIGUCCS User Services Conference, held in Monterey, California, November 6-9, 2005.The SIGUCCS Fall Conference is your chance to tell your colleagues stories about the wonderful things you're doing on your campus - or the well-intentioned projects gone horribly wrong that can serve as a lesson to all of us. The papers you will find in these Proceedings tell over one hundred of these stories. Each paper will be presented in a technical session or in the poster session (don't miss the poster session).Conference participants (that's you, dear reader) have numerous opportunities to share their stories. If you did not submit a paper for a technical session this year, you can share your stories during birds of a feather sessions, question and answer periods during the technical sessions, dinner with your colleagues, and informal conversations during breaks between sessions. These are all great times and places to share, listen, teach, and learn.Our theme for this year's conference is "Fishing for New Ideas." I hope that you will come to the conference looking for new ideas to take home, new ideas that will improve technology customer service at your university or college. Cast your net wide, and talk to people whom you might not always think of as sources for ideas that apply to your area of customer support. It is easy to get stuck in a rut when you are surrounded by the same people all year; this is the place to break out of that rut. If you have come up with a great tool that makes your work life better and your customers happier, give it away to anyone who might need it. If you need something that someone else has developed, don't be afraid to ask for it. We're not in this for the money, after all.

Automating windows security: building a security CD

The last two years have seen more virus and spyware activity on Windows computers than the preceding fifteen years. Blaster and Welchia wreaked havoc in the fall of 2003 because most of us had never seen a computer be infected through simple connection ...

Looking outwards: extending services to departmental labs

Many academic departments have their own computer labs or classrooms to meet their specific needs. The computers in the centrally managed facilities are highly reliable, secure, and standardized. The ones in the individual departments vary widely. As ...

"All in one" is the way to go...building a XP professional hardware independent image

Tired of maintaining multiple Windows 2000 images, the Central Connecticut State University, User Support Services team resolved to build an XP image for all supported computer hardware platforms. The focus of this "All in One" image project was ...

Automation is a breeze with AutoIt

AutoIt is a free scripting language for Microsoft Windows that simulates Windows commands, mouse movements, and mouse-clicks; sends keystrokes to applications; and works with the clipboard to cut and paste text, among other tasks. Unlike many other ...

Conversing with customers

In the challenging business of customer service, it can be difficult to gauge how well you and your employees are doing. Since you don't usually create a physical product, measuring the somewhat intangible results of your work can be a challenge-...

Oh no!: they want me to support students' computers...?

At the start of the academic year in 2003, students with virus-ridden computers inundated the Simmons College Help Desk. They dropped off their machines, making it difficult for the Help Desk team to determine priorities. Technicians were virtually ...

CARPE DIEM: seizing the day and reaping the benefit of student involvement in tools development

Employing students in your I.T. organization presents many management challenges, but offers at least as many opportunities as well, not the least of which are the daily opportunities we have to promote the core academic values of our institution: ...

Network based home directories using OS X serv

Computing Lab managers face unique challenges when providing an easily-maintainable and secure yet customizable work environment for students across multiple computers and computer labs, especially in media rich environments. An examination of the ...

The department apprentice program: providing support on a decentralized campus

At universities and colleges with decentralized IT support, small departments rarely have local staff to solve technology problems. Large departments at these institutions often provide their own IT staff. This system often creates an uneven computing ...

Developing a synchronous web seminar application for online learning

Many higher education institutions are searching for cost effective tools for the delivery of a feature rich, synchronous online learning environment. While there are commercially viable web conferencing products available to enhance the online ...

Customer-facing communication

Delivering customer-facing support begins with good communication. Communicating technology information such as scheduled maintenance, current outages, software updates notifications, rollouts, changes to systems, etc. to students, faculty, and staff is ...

Developing an eLearning support model

In this paper, I will examine the development and implementation of providing technical and pedagogical support for the University of Wisconsin (UW) system-wide Course Management System, utilizing a centrally located Help Desk that is staffed primarily ...

    Automation & delegation to reduce lab management workload

    Ten years ago, the University of Florida employed over 80 students and 4 full-time staff members to run the public computer labs. Those 80+ students managed five lab locations containing 7 classrooms and 400+ computers. Today there are still over 60 ...

    Going beyond the call of duty: the implementation and support of OMNI

    As a result of revisions by the Florida State Legislature to Florida's Educational Code, the Florida Universities Consortium was formed to create an Enterprise Resource Planning solution for each university's information technology needs.Florida State ...

      Leveraging student owned laptops on campus: I can't connect to the network. can you help me?

      In 2003, the Help Desk at Integrated Technology Services (ITS) began receiving an increasing number of requests from students for laptop services and support. After surveying Canadian universities to see how they handled the issue (almost all ...

      The wireless tightrope: an economical, secure, and user friendly approach for the wireless campus

      Integrating a new medium for reading emails, accessing the internet, and student data wirelessly in our existing campus environment seemed to be an insurmountable endeavor. The criteria for accomplishing this feat included the following three key ...

      Building an IT help desk: from zero to hero

      This paper is intended for Help Desk managers who want to learn how to expand their Help Desk without outpacing themselves and also for institutions that may be just starting out with centralized support or are thinking of opening a help desk.We will ...

      Combining audio/visual and computing support

      In July of 1999, Academic Technology Services (ATS) was given a mandate to undertake class-related technology support for faculty in approximately 80 traditional classrooms, a service previously provided by a group responsible for campus audio/visual ...

      Storm stories: surviving an upgrade to WebCT Vista

      West Virginia University recently upgraded from WebCT Campus Edition 3.8 to WebCT Vista 3.0, hosting multiple regional campuses on the same server. WVU went live with hosting four institutions on a single instance of WebCT Vista in January 2005; the ...

      Casting nets in the waters of adaptive technology

      In the ever-evolving world of technology, as we make changes and implementations, we often overlook the disabled minority in our society. We here at the University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA) strive to meet the needs of ALL students to include those ...

      An augmented campus design for context-aware service provision

      This paper deals with the design of a multi-modal system for pervasive context-aware service provision and human-environment interaction in augmented environments by the use of Personal Digital Assistants (PDA) or SmartPhones. The system enables mobile ...

      The critical elements of patch management

      Only a few years ago, the term "patch management" was not in the general vocabulary of even the most advanced information technology staff. Today, "patch management" is not only in the general vernacular of most IT staff, but it is also one of the more ...

      Training: tackling the task of reeling them in

      IT Training and Communications is a division of Information Technology Services of Saint Louis University. In response to university-wide adoption of a new education portal called Luminus, developed by the Society for Technical Communication (SCT), we ...

      Printing in today's academic labs: not exactly what Gutenberg had in mind

      At the Ringling School of Art and Design, we have watched printing costs spiral out of control and beyond budgetary models. Yearly expenditures for both printer consumables and the labor required to maintain our printers have been substantial. With ...

      A new collaborative software package: TeamSpace at Stanford University

      The Academic Computing Department of Stanford University Libraries has deployed a collaborative software package in the 24-hour accessible lounge in Meyer Library. The installation, dubbed TeamSpace, is the product of a team of research graduate ...

      Detecting intruders on a campus network: might the threat be coming from within?

      Campus networks, and the Information Technology organizations that support these networks, are facing security threats that are increasing in both size and complexity. Students, faculty and (non-academic) staff collectively provide a broad set of ...

      NAS: the NAIST user authorization management system for network accesses in consideration of system administration volunteers

      The Nara Institute of Science and Technology (NAIST) user Authorization management System for network accesses (NAS) was designed and developed as a campus-network management system for administrators who are not information and communications ...

      Developing a comprehensive communication strategy to meet the needs of various stakeholder groups

      Instructional and Research Technology Services (IRTS) at Indiana State University, through input from various stakeholder groups, has developed a comprehensive communication strategy for the Office of Information Technology (OIT). This plan covers ...

      Students: heal thyself

      During the fall semester of 2004, the User Services department at the University of Delaware serviced over 2000 student machines that were either flagged for virus/copyright violations or were brought in voluntarily. This was becoming a full-time job ...

      Going from 0 to 60 in 20 years: transitioning a help desk into a multi-function support center

      This paper will focus on the transition of our Help Desk that began as a small User Services Support Desk with almost no budget, no upper management support, and an inexperienced staff of student workers. It was resurrected into a Help Desk of full-time ...

      • Oberlin College and Conservatory
      • Lewis & Clark College, Portland
      Index terms have been assigned to the content through auto-classification.


      Acceptance Rates

      Overall Acceptance Rate 192 of 261 submissions, 74%
      SIGUCCS '14582441%
      SIGUCCS '13464393%
      SIGUCCS '10665685%
      SIGUCCS '08916976%