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View all- Cazzola WPini S(2007)Join Point Patterns: A High-Level Join Point Selection MechanismModels in Software Engineering10.1007/978-3-540-69489-2_3(17-26)Online publication date: 2007
Studies of Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP) usually focus on a language in which a specific aspect extension is integrated with a base language. Languages specified in this manner have a fixed, non-extensible AOP functionality. This paper argues the ...
Studies of Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP) usually focus on a language in which a specific aspect extension is integrated with a base language. Languages specified in this manner have a fixed, non-extensible AOP functionality. This paper argues the ...
A plethora of aspect mechanisms exist today. All of these diverse mechanisms integrate concerns into artifacts that exhibit crosscutting structure. What we lack and need is a characterization of the design space that these aspect mechanisms inhabit and ...
Association for Computing Machinery
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