The 2006 International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI 2006) is the 10th such meeting since the first international conference in 1997. This series of annual conferences on Intelligent User Interfaces is the principal international forum for the presentation and discussion of outstanding research and applications involving intelligent user interfaces, a field at the intersection of Human Computer Interaction and Artificial Intelligence. We note that 2006 is the 50th anniversary of the first meeting on Artificial Intelligence (which was held at Dartmouth College in New Hampshire, USA) and attended by Allan Newell, Herb Simon, Marvin Minsky, Claude Shannon and John McCarthy, among others. In the recent past, we have seen a lot of work in intelligent user interfaces in the Asia-Pacific region, as in, for example, work in humanoids and in interactive art and cinema (which will be discussed by our invited speakers). It is thus fitting that the first decade of scientific and technological research and engineering in intelligent user interfaces is concluded with a meeting in a Pacific Rim nation, that of Australia. Holding IUI in the Asia-Pacific region allows the community to hear from its Asian-Pacific members and draw the latter to the meeting more easily than when the conference is held in Europe or North America.
IUI focuses on interfaces that require intelligent techniques to bring them to fruition. The interests and creative outlets of the community span a wide range of topics reflected in this year's meeting. These include natural language techniques in interfaces, example and programming based interfaces, personalization and recommender systems, learning approaches and bayesian models for interfaces (including for email and the desktop), intelligent multimodal input and output, interfaces that are off the desktop, planning and reasoning in interfaces, new techniques for recognizing gestures and attention, interfaces for intelligent learning systems, interfaces and techniques for ubiquitous and affective computing and novel interfaces.
The program committee reflects the contribution the IUI community around the world. Members span 11 countries of Europe, 2 of North America, 8 of Asia and 1 each of South America and the Middle East. Papers submitted to IUI also reflect the whole international community: 127 long papers and 63 short papers were submitted from 29 countries spanning Asia, Africa, Europe, the Middle East, North America and South America. Of the papers submitted, the acceptances were: 30 long papers (24%), 28 short papers (44%) and 12 long papers accepted as short papers (9%).
We are grateful for the kind welcome from the Powerhouse Museum of Sydney, Australia, who serves as physical hosts of this year's meeting, and to the Creativity and Cognition Studios at the University of Technology, Sydney, especially Shigeki Amitani, for serving as our local hosts for IUI 2006.
Our hosts have made it possible not only to hold our paper sessions but also to support the other conference events. These include an evening of short paper presentations and demonstrations of technology, birds-of-a-feather lunchtime get togethers, invited talks, and a full day of workshops and tutorials. This year's invited speakers are: <ul><li>Professor Hiroshi Ishiguro, Department of Adaptive Machine Systems, Osaka University, Japan, and</li> <li>Professor Jeffrey Shaw, Centre for Interactive Cinema Research, University of New South Wales, Australia.</li> </ul>
Four workshops, each a full day, will also take place at IUI this year: <ul><li>The Workshop on Cognitive Prostheses and Assisted Communication (CPAC),</li> <li>The Workshop on Multi-User and Ubiquitous User Interfaces (MU3I'06),</li> <li>The Workshop on Intelligent User Interfaces for Intelligence Analysis, and</li> <li>The Workshop on Effective Multimodal Dialogue Interfaces.</li></ul>
Finally, three tutorials will be given:<ul><li>Introduction to Human-Robot Interaction: Jean Scholtz, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Holly Yanco, University of Massachusetts Lowell, Jill Drury, The MITRE Corporation; USA.</li> <li>Interfaces Everywhere - Interacting with the Pervasive Computer: Alois Ferscha, Clemens H. Holzmann, and Michael H. Leitner, Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria and</li> <li>Constructive Dialogue Management for Speech-based Interaction Systems: Kristiina Jokinen, University of Helsinki, Finland.</li></ul>
- Proceedings of the 11th international conference on Intelligent user interfaces
Acceptance Rates
Year | Submitted | Accepted | Rate |
IUI '19 | 282 | 71 | 25% |
IUI '18 | 299 | 43 | 14% |
IUI '18 Companion | 127 | 63 | 50% |
IUI '17 | 272 | 63 | 23% |
IUI '17 Companion | 272 | 63 | 23% |
IUI '16 | 194 | 49 | 25% |
IUI '16 Companion | 194 | 49 | 25% |
IUI '15 Companion | 205 | 47 | 23% |
IUI '15 | 205 | 47 | 23% |
IUI '14 | 191 | 46 | 24% |
IUI '13 | 192 | 43 | 22% |
IUI '04 | 140 | 72 | 51% |
IUI '02 | 111 | 49 | 44% |
IUI '99 | 70 | 21 | 30% |
IUI '98 | 57 | 20 | 35% |
Overall | 2,811 | 746 | 27% |