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View all- Vyas SSreedhar AKundu SBahar RLombardi FAtienza DBrunvand E(2010)TURBONFSProceedings of the 20th symposium on Great lakes symposium on VLSI10.1145/1785481.1785541(251-256)Online publication date: 16-May-2010
Earlier research has shown that the route lookup performance of a network processor can be significantly improved by caching ranges of lookup/classification keys rather than individual keys. While the previous work focused specifically on reducing ...
Memory speed has become a major performance bottleneck as more and more cores are integrated on a multi-core chip. The widening latency gap between high speed cores and memory has led to the evolution of multi-level SRAM/DRAM cache hierarchies that ...
While set-associative caches incur fewer misses than direct-mapped caches, they typically have slower hit times and higher power consumption, when multiple tag and data banks are probed in parallel. This paper presents the location cache structure which ...
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