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π-Method: a model-driven formal method for architecture-centric software engineering

Published: 01 May 2006 Publication History


Software systems have become increasingly complex and are often used in highly dynamic, distributed and mobile environments. Formal development of such software systems in order to guarantee their completeness and correctness is a large research challenge. This article presents the π-Method, a novel formal method that has been designed in the ArchWare European Project to address model-driven development of safe software systems. It is a well-founded theoretically method relying on formal foundations: its formal language for architecture description is based on the π-calculus, for architecture analysis on the μ-calculus, and for architecture transformation and refinement on the rewriting logic. The π-Method, like formal methods such as B, FOCUS, VDM, and Z, aims to provide full support for formal development of software systems. However, unlike these methods that do not provide any architectural support, the π-Method has been built from scratch to formally support architecture-centric component-based model-driven development. Furthermore, a major impetus behind defining formal languages and method is that their formality renders them suitable to be manipulated by software tools. Indeed, a comprehensive toolset supporting formal model-driven engineering has been developed.


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cover image ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes
ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes  Volume 31, Issue 3
May 2006
171 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

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Published: 01 May 2006
Published in SIGSOFT Volume 31, Issue 3

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  1. architecture analysis languages
  2. architecture description languages
  3. architecture transformation/refinement languages
  4. architecture-centric software engineering
  5. component-based software engineering
  6. formal methods
  7. model-driven development
  8. software architectures


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