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Landing openMP on cyclops-64: an efficient mapping of openMP to a many-core system-on-a-chip

Published: 03 May 2006 Publication History


This paper presents our experience mapping OpenMP parallel programming model to the IBM Cyclops-64 (C64) architecture. The C64 employs a many-core-on-a-chip design that integrates processing logic (160 thread units), embedded memory (5MB) and communication hardware on the same die. Such a unique architecture presents new opportunities for optimization. Specifically, we consider the following three areas: (1) a memory aware runtime library that places frequently used data structures in scratchpad memory; (2) a unique spin lock algorithm for shared memory synchronization based on in-memory atomic instructions and native support for thread level execution; (3) a fast barrier that directly uses C64 hardware support for collective synchronization. All three optimizations together, result in an 80% overhead reduction for language constructs in OpenMP. We believe that such a drastic reduction in the cost of managing parallelism makes OpenMP more amenable for writing parallel programs on the C64 platform.


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  1. Landing openMP on cyclops-64: an efficient mapping of openMP to a many-core system-on-a-chip



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    CF '06: Proceedings of the 3rd conference on Computing frontiers
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    Published: 03 May 2006


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    1. chip multiprocessor
    2. openMP
    3. performance evaluation
    4. run-time system
    5. system-on-a-chip


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