Cited By
View all- Prodan LUdrescu MBoncalo OVladutiu M(2007)Design for dependability in emerging technologiesACM Journal on Emerging Technologies in Computing Systems10.1145/1265949.12659523:2(6-es)Online publication date: 1-Jul-2007
As current microelectronics will reach their physical limits within the foreseeable future, emerging technologies may offer a solution for maintaining the trends to increase computing performance. Biologically-inspired and quantum computing represent ...
Quantum computing is rapidly shifting from high-tech lab to mainstream commercial use in the next few years, representing the next breakthrough in modern ICT. It is motivated by quantum computer's ability to perform computational tasks with efficiencies ...
The Embryonics (embryonic electronics) project aims at implementing Nature's structural redundancy mechanisms in digital electronics in order to attain superior reliability in aggressive, critical environments. It offers a hierarchically reconfigurable ...
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