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MOLAR: adaptive runtime support for high-end computing operating and runtime systems

Published: 01 April 2006 Publication History


MOLAR is a multi-institutional research effort that concentrates on adaptive, reliable, and efficient operating and runtime system (OS/R) solutions for ultra-scale high-end scientific computing on the next generation of supercomputers. This research addresses the challenges outlined in FAST-OS (forum to address scalable technology for runtime and operating systems) and HECRTF (high-end computing revitalization task force) activities by exploring the use of advanced monitoring and adaptation to improve application performance and predictability of system interruptions, and by advancing computer reliability, availability and serviceability (RAS) management systems to work cooperatively with the OS/R to identify and preemptively resolve system issues. This paper describes recent research of the MOLAR team in advancing RAS for high-end computing OS/Rs.


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cover image ACM SIGOPS Operating Systems Review
ACM SIGOPS Operating Systems Review  Volume 40, Issue 2
April 2006
107 pages
Issue’s Table of Contents


Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 01 April 2006
Published in SIGOPS Volume 40, Issue 2

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Author Tags

  1. RAS
  2. availability
  3. fault tolerance
  4. group membership
  5. high-end computing
  6. monitoring
  7. reliability


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  • (2008)Holistic aggregate resource environmentACM SIGOPS Operating Systems Review10.1145/1341312.134132742:1(85-91)Online publication date: 1-Jan-2008
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  • (2007)A Fast Delivery Protocol for Total Order Broadcasting2007 16th International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks10.1109/ICCCN.2007.4317904(730-734)Online publication date: Aug-2007
  • (2007)Reliability-aware resource allocation in HPC systemsProceedings of the 2007 IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing10.1109/CLUSTR.2007.4629245(312-321)Online publication date: 17-Sep-2007
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