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10.1145/1132516.1132542acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesstocConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Time-space tradeoffs for implementations of snapshots

Published: 21 May 2006 Publication History


A snapshot object is an abstraction of the fundamental problem of obtaining a consistent view of the contents of the shared memory in a distributed system while other processes may concurrently update those contents. A snapshot object stores an array of m components and can be accessed by two operations: an UPDATE that changes the value of an individual component and a powerful SCAN that returns the contents of the entire array.This paper proves time-space tradeoffs for fault-tolerant implementations of a snapshot object from registers that support only Read and Write operations. For anonymous implementations (where all processes are programmed identically), we prove that a SCAN requires Ω(n/r) time, where n is the number of processes in the system and r is the number of registers used by the implementation. For the general non-anonymous case, we prove that, for any fixed r, the time required to do a SCAN grows without bound as n increases. These tradeoffs hold even in the case where the snapshot object has just two components.This is the first time a lower bound on the tradeoff between time complexity and the number of registers has been proved for any problem in asynchronous shared-memory systems. We introduce a new tool for proving distributed lower bounds: the notion of a shrinkable execution, from which an adversary can remove portions as necessary.


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cover image ACM Conferences
STOC '06: Proceedings of the thirty-eighth annual ACM symposium on Theory of Computing
May 2006
786 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 21 May 2006


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  1. anonymous processes
  2. distributed computing
  3. lower bound
  4. shared memory
  5. snapshot
  6. time-space tradeoff
  7. wait-free


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