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On earthmover distance, metric labeling, and 0-extension

Published: 21 May 2006 Publication History


We study the fundamental classification problems O-EXTENSION and METRIC LABELING. MINIMUM WEIGHT TRIANGULATION is closely related to partitioning problems in graph theory and to Lipschitz extensions in Banach spaces; its generalization METRIC LABELING is motivated by applications in computer vision. Researchers had proposed using earthmover metrics to get polynomial time-solvable relaxations for these problems. A conjecture that has attracted much attention recently is that the integrality ratio for these relaxations is constant.We prove
that the integrality ratio of the earthmover relaxation for METRIC LABELING is Ω(log n) (which is asymptotically tight), k being the number of labels, whereas the best previous lower bound on the integrality ratio was only constant;
that the integrality ratio of the earthmover relaxation for O-EXTENSION is Ω(√log k), k being the number of terminals (it was known to be O((log k)/log log k)), whereas the best previous lower bound was only constant;
that for no ε>0 is there a polynomial-time O((log n)1/4-ε)-approximation algorithm for O-EXTENSION, n being the number of vertices, unless NP ⊆ DTIME(npoly(log n)), whereas the strongest inapproximability result known before was only MAX SNP-hardness; and
that there is a polynomial-time approximation algorithm for O-EXTENSION with performance ratio O(√diam(d)), where diam(d) is the ratio of the largest to smallest nonzero distances in the terminal metric.


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G. Calinescu, H. J. Karloff, and Y. Rabani, An improved approximation algorithm for Multiway Cut, J. Comput. and Syst. Sci., 60(3):564--574, 2000 (preliminary version in STOC '98).
G. Calinescu, H. J. Karloff, and Y. Rabani, Approximation algorithms for the 0-Extension problem, SIAM J. Comput., 34(2):358--372, 2004 (preliminary version in SODA '01).
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C. Chekuri, S. Khanna, J. Naor, and L. Zosin, Approximation algorithms for the Metric Labeling problem via a new linear programming formulation, to appear in SIAM J. on Discrete Math (preliminary version in SODA '01).
J. Chuzhoy and J. Naor, The hardness of Metric Labeling, in Proc. FOCS '04, 108--114.
J. Fakcharoenphol, C. Harrelson, S. Rao, and K. Talwar, An improved approximation algorithm for the 0-Extension Problem, in Proc. SODA '03, 342--352.
J. Fakcharoenphol, S. Rao, and K. Talwar, A tight bound on approximating arbitrary metrics by tree metrics, in Proc. STOC '03, 448--455.
A. Gupta and E. Tardos, A constant factor approximation algorithm for a class of classification problems, in Proc. STOC '00, pages 652--658.
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Cited By

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  • (2017)On the Maximum Rate of Networked Computation in a Capacitated NetworkIEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking10.1109/TNET.2017.269557825:4(2444-2458)Online publication date: 1-Aug-2017
  • (2013)Earth mover's distance based similarity search at scaleProceedings of the VLDB Endowment10.14778/2732240.27322497:4(313-324)Online publication date: 1-Dec-2013
  • (2008)Sdp gaps and ugc hardness for multiway cut, 0-extension, and metric labelingProceedings of the fortieth annual ACM symposium on Theory of computing10.1145/1374376.1374379(11-20)Online publication date: 17-May-2008

Index Terms

  1. On earthmover distance, metric labeling, and 0-extension



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    STOC '06: Proceedings of the thirty-eighth annual ACM symposium on Theory of Computing
    May 2006
    786 pages
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    • (2017)On the Maximum Rate of Networked Computation in a Capacitated NetworkIEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking10.1109/TNET.2017.269557825:4(2444-2458)Online publication date: 1-Aug-2017
    • (2013)Earth mover's distance based similarity search at scaleProceedings of the VLDB Endowment10.14778/2732240.27322497:4(313-324)Online publication date: 1-Dec-2013
    • (2008)Sdp gaps and ugc hardness for multiway cut, 0-extension, and metric labelingProceedings of the fortieth annual ACM symposium on Theory of computing10.1145/1374376.1374379(11-20)Online publication date: 17-May-2008

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