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A survey of research and practices of Network-on-chip

Published: 29 June 2006 Publication History


The scaling of microchip technologies has enabled large scale systems-on-chip (SoC). Network-on-chip (NoC) research addresses global communication in SoC, involving (i) a move from computation-centric to communication-centric design and (ii) the implementation of scalable communication structures. This survey presents a perspective on existing NoC research. We define the following abstractions: system, network adapter, network, and link to explain and structure the fundamental concepts. First, research relating to the actual network design is reviewed. Then system level design and modeling are discussed. We also evaluate performance analysis techniques. The research shows that NoC constitutes a unification of current trends of intrachip communication rather than an explicit new alternative.


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ACM Computing Surveys  Volume 38, Issue 1
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Published: 29 June 2006
Published in CSUR Volume 38, Issue 1


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  1. Chip-area networks
  2. GALS
  3. GSI design
  4. NoC
  5. OCP
  6. SoC
  7. ULSI design
  8. communication abstractions
  9. communication-centric design
  10. interconnects
  11. network-on-chip
  12. on-chip communication
  13. sockets
  14. system-on-chip


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