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Implementing sorting in database systems

Published: 30 September 2006 Publication History


Most commercial database systems do (or should) exploit many sorting techniques that are publicly known, but not readily available in the research literature. These techniques improve both sort performance on modern computer systems and the ability to adapt gracefully to resource fluctuations in multiuser operations. This survey collects many of these techniques for easy reference by students, researchers, and product developers. It covers in-memory sorting, disk-based external sorting, and considerations that apply specifically to sorting in database systems.


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Published: 30 September 2006
Published in CSUR Volume 38, Issue 3


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  1. Key normalization
  2. asynchronous read-ahead
  3. compression
  4. dynamic memory resource allocation
  5. forecasting
  6. graceful degradation
  7. index operations
  8. key conditioning
  9. nested iteration


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