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SIGMETRICS '06/Performance '06: Proceedings of the joint international conference on Measurement and modeling of computer systems
ACM2006 Proceeding
  • Association for Computing Machinery
  • New York
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  • United States
SIGMETRICS06: 2006 ACM SIGMETRICS International Conference on Measurement and Modeling of Computer Systems Saint Malo France June 26 - 30, 2006
26 June 2006
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Welcome to SIGMETRICS/PERFORMANCE 2006 and to Saint-Malo! The ACM SIGMETRICS conference and the Performance conference sponsored by IFIP Working Group 7.3 join every three years, and this is the tenth joint conference. The theme is Measurement and Modeling of Computer Systems, and this year's program reflects the breadth and depth of the subject area. This year's topics cover storage systems, wired, wireless and P2P networks, scheduling and fairness, queuing systems, Markov chains, architecture and security, while the range of methodologies cover measurements, analysis and simulation.As in previous years, the selection process was highly competitive. 219 submissions were received, of which 30 were selected as full papers, and 16 papers were accepted as posters. All papers were reviewed through a double-blind review process. Each paper was reviewed by at least three Program Committee (PC) members not connected with the authors. In some cases additional reviews were sought from specialists outside the PC. The PC itself comprised 51 experts from 15 countries, and the final paper selection was made at the PC meeting held at Columbia University in January 27-28, 2006, which was attended by 35 of the PC members, the two program co-chairs, and the general chair. The quality of submissions was extremely high as reflected in the final program, which we hope that you will find stimulating. It is a special pleasure to have the main conference completed by our keynote speaker Daniel Reed who will give a talk on performance and reliability.After the PC meeting a subcommittee selected the best paper award winners. The Best Paper was awarded to "Maximizing Throughput in Wireless Networks via Gossiping'' by Eytan Modiano, Devavrat Shah, and Gil Zussman (MIT, US). The Kenneth C. Sevcik Outstanding Student Paper was awarded to "GPS Scheduling: Selection of Optimal Weights and Comparison with Strict Priorities'' by Pascal Lieshout, Michel R.H. Mandjes, and Sem Borst (CWI, NL). We congratulate the authors of these papers.

Performance and reliability: the ubiquitous challenge

Legend says that Archimedes remarked, on the discovery of the lever, "Give me a place to stand and I can move the world." Today, computing pervades all aspects of society. "Science" and "computational science" have become largely synonymous, and ...

  • University of Rennes
  • Microsoft Research Cambridge
  • William & Mary
  1. Proceedings of the joint international conference on Measurement and modeling of computer systems


    Acceptance Rates

    Overall Acceptance Rate 459 of 2,691 submissions, 17%
    SIGMETRICS '193175016%
    SIGMETRICS '182705420%
    SIGMETRICS '17 Abstracts762736%
    SIGMETRICS '162082813%
    SIGMETRICS '152393213%
    SIGMETRICS '142374017%
    SIGMETRICS '131965428%
    SIGMETRICS '032222612%
    SIGMETRICS '021702314%
    SIGMETRICS '012332912%
    SIGMETRICS '001652817%
    SIGMETRICS '99921820%
    SIGMETRICS '98/PERFORMANCE '981362518%
    SIGMETRICS '971302519%