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View all- Blot APetke J(undefined)A Comprehensive Survey of Benchmarks for Improvement of Software's Non-Functional PropertiesACM Computing Surveys10.1145/3711119
A lossless chain code compression algorithm consisting of Burrows-Wheeler Transform, Move-To-Front Transform, and a modified interpolative coding is presented in this paper. The interpolative coding divides a strictly increasing array ...
Compressing the instructions of an embedded program is important for cost-sensitive low-power control-oriented embedded computing. A number of compression schemes have been proposed to reduce program size. However, the increased instruction density has ...
Most of the work done in the field of code compression pertains to processors with fixed-length instruction encoding. The design of a code-compression scheme for variable-length instruction encodings poses newer design challenges. In this work, we first ...
Association for Computing Machinery
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