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SF-HME system: a hierarchical mixtures-of-experts classification system for spam filtering

Published: 23 April 2006 Publication History


Many linear statistical models have been lately proposed in text classification related literature and evaluated against the Unsolicited Bulk Email filtering problem. Despite their popularity - due both to their simplicity and relative ease of interpretation - the non-linearity assumption of data samples is inappropriate in practice, due to its inability to capture the apparent non-linear relationships, which characterize these samples. In this paper, we propose the SF-HME, a Hierarchical Mixture-of-Experts system, attempting to overcome limitations common to other machine-learning based approaches when applied to spam mail classification. By reducing the dimensionality of data through the usage of the effective Simba algorithm for feature selection, we evaluated our SF-HME system with a publicly available corpus of emails, with very high similarity between legitimate and bulk email - and thus low discriminative potential - where the traditional rule based filtering approaches achieve considerable lower degrees of precision. As a result, we confirm the domination of our SF-HME method against other machine learning approaches, which appeared to present lesser degree of recall.


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SAC '06: Proceedings of the 2006 ACM symposium on Applied computing
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Association for Computing Machinery

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Published: 23 April 2006


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  1. hierarchical systems of experts
  2. machine learning
  3. spam mail


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